Tuesday, November 28, 2006


LIFE…...I still wonder…what is the meaning of this term to me?...Somebody said LIFE means..Living In Full Energy….great thinking….but if energy is missing in life….do they still need to lead it?...I don't know..I may sound like a pessimist….a usual pessimist, whom everybody would like to avoid…but why do I sound like that?...or rather why do I behave like that?..I know, sometimes I am so happy and the whole world around me looks so nice..so beautiful…so energetic…but then I think.. does my happiness depends upon happening of some event…is it relative happiness...if not… why am I not happy always?

Happiness….one more term..what is it?...If something happens in your favor , then only you are happy…If you want the things to happen always as you wish, then only you are happy…is it the opposite of sadness?..or is it the lack of sadness?...is it that if you are not sad..then you are happy?...I don't know…

I see people around me…with so many variety…somebody is not happy with the society…not happy with the place, the job, the salary,wife,husband,kids,parents or even the country…or simply not happy seeing others happy…

They say.,…man is a social animal…he cannot live without the society…without mingling with others…I don't agree with that…I have seen enough of social life…mingling with friends, relatives…..but sometimes you feel very much lonely in that crowd…..as if you are in a jungle…with no one around..and all the trees are running behind you for your blood….Of course its an imagination…..trees are better than humans…they give everything to the human society and instead get nothing but their death…how selfish we are…

Loneliness is a state of mind..not only physically…you can be around so many people..but still you feel lonely…why does that happen?...then what is the society is for?....it may be an individual problem…but that individual is also a part of the society…

I don't know..why am I writing all these..do I have any subject in mind?or simply scribbling bullshit?...see my unstable mind….or do I have a mind? …or do you mind reading all this?

Do I have a problem?..do I need counseling? Does every problem has a solution?.....I don't know….does every solution has a problem?...if we don't get the favorable solution for our problems,why do we think that there is no solution for that problem?...Does that mean that we all seek a favorable solution always?

People have relationships…some relations are attached during our birth…some happens as we grow…as we see things around…you make friends…you make good friends…you make best friends….you love somebody…you feel a crush on somebody…you feel like you cannot live without that person…you don't realize how you lived till meeting that person on some fine day…..It all happens…people forget about their past when they are in love….really love is blind…they say… you fall in love with somebody…why is it always fall in love?...why not rise in love?...you always fall in love because love is blind?...and you cannot see the pot holes in front of you?

And there are also some relations which cannot be named…people may call it friendship..love…affection..caring…blah blah blah……..but it is true that neither of them fits the relationship…..it may seem to be strange..but can't deny the existence of such relationships….

And there are some other relationships where one person thinks of one relation but the other person may not be aware of that…that person may think of some other relation…at the end its full of confusion and nobody knows what's the thing going on?

Just some of my wild thinking…some fire was there in the mind…just wanted to put it off…I don't know when it will shoot up again…till then……………………………..

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